CYRENE’s third plenary meeting
CYRENE's plenary meeting June 15-16, 2021On June 15-16, the consortium members of CYRENE gathered for their regular plenary meeting. The Project Coordinator kicked off the session with an overview of…
CYRENE's plenary meeting June 15-16, 2021On June 15-16, the consortium members of CYRENE gathered for their regular plenary meeting. The Project Coordinator kicked off the session with an overview of…
On the EU level, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is perceived as the key element of economic growth and competitiveness. AI is one of the most important applications of the digital economy based on the processing of data. At the same time, the human and ethical implications of AI and its impact on various research areas are being highlighted.
The Vehicle Transport SCS is considered as a massively complex system with numerous players for the manufacturing, shipment and delivery of various types of vehicles.
June, 2021 Certifying the security and resilience of supply chain services Cybersecurity is a journey, not a destination. CYRENE embarked this journey 8 months ago and with this Newsletter, we…
Cyber Supply Chain Threat Analysis and Prediction using Machine Learning and Ontology PartnerStockholm UniversityAuthorsAbel Yeboah-Oforil, Haralambos Mouratidis, Umar Ismail, Shareeful Islam, Spyridon PapastergiouTitleCyber Supply Chain Threat Analysis and Prediction using…
Disruptions to supply chains may have profound socio-economic impact, and be of varying frequency. There are a number of reasons for such disruptions, among which: cyber attacks!
CYRENE is a HORIZON 2020 funded project and as such is financed by EU citizens. Therefore, it aims to benefit to the largest number of citizens possible and the fruits of our research to reach society as a whole.
The American-Hellenic Chamber of Commerce, in cooperation with the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA), is organizing a Digital Sustainability Forum on the EU Cybersecurity certification for businesses together with policy-makers
The initiative for boosting sustainable digital transformation in cities and communities in the EU was introduced in 2019. Supported by the European Commission and the European Committee of the Regions, it is a platform to cope with the aforementioned challenges and utilizing digital solutions to make the cities climate neutral and work together on societal challenges in a ‘European Way’.
CYRENE attended ENISA Cybersecurity Standardisation Conference February 15th, 2021The European Standards Organizations CEN, CENELEC and ETSI, have joined forces with ENISA, the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity in a virtual…