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February, 2022

Certifying the security and resilience of supply chain services
We are already one month in 2022 and the New Year is finding the consortium of CYRENE in a productive heat, preparing for our first prototype! Our partners have been demonstrating their progress and have been discussing about the assets integration for a smooth first version of the CYRENE system. In the meantime, we have been collaborating closely with other EU funded projects, in order to leverage each other’s findings! Below we’ll be sharing what happened in a nutshell the last four months and we are looking forward to hearing your input! Enjoy the reading and please do reach out if you have any suggestions for us!
Key challenges in global cybersecurity: Efforts and trends in EU (KCYEU-2022) Workshop

CYRENE, FISHY, and IoTAC, are organizing a joint workshop trying to track current research in cybersecurity, especially in the fields of IoT and supply chains but are also open to other cybersecurity research areas and projects. The workshop will be held on the 28th of March, 2022, as a remote event co-located with the DRCN conference.
Authors are invited to submit original contributions that have not been published or submitted for publication elsewhere either they are original unpublished papers or work-in-progress presentations. Important deadlines for your submissions:
February 10, 2022:
Paper submission
February 18, 2022:
Acceptance/ rejection notification
February 25, 2022:
Final workshop papers
Find out more information here.
Clustering workshop
CYRENE and ASSURED co–organized a clustering workshop aiming at bringing together a number of EU-funded projects that target supply chains security, resilience and certification aspects, experts in the field as well as members and consultants from standardization and certification bodies. The objective of the workshop was to explore synergies and identify actions that can be pursued in common. You can watch the key objectives of all projects working at the moment in the field on our website!
See more here.
Every month we make sure to write a blog and share our thoughts and insights. We would be glad to hear your opinion on the subjects we touch. Check below our latest blogs and let us know your point of view on the topics either via our contact form or by reaching out to us via our social media accounts. All our blogs can be found here.
How certifying the security of SCS brings confidence to global digital markets

Ensuring the secure provision of the Supply Chain Services (SCS) at national, European and even more importantly at international level is a great challenge. The European project CYRENE considers security certification of the SCS as a main mitigation measure and it proposes a cybersecurity scheme, a risk and conformity assessment methodology and a tool to realize the SCS certification process.
Read more about it here.
Ransomware in a supply chain environment

A supply chain is defined as a network between a company and its suppliers to produce and distribute a specific product or service to a list of final buyers. In today’s world, every aspect of the world and especially business is exposed to technology; more specifically the supply chain owners and participants need to make sure that not only their companies are secure from cyber-attacks, but the rest of the affiliates of the supply chain are secured as well.
Read more about it here.
FPGA technology and Supply Chain Cyber Security

Securing Supply Chains is a difficult task as the cyberattacks are expected to quadruple each coming year according to the European Union Agency for Cyber Security (ENISA). Hence, in order to counter new threats and protect complex environments from malicious actors, new systems and frameworks/ approaches are needed. Hardware-based security, using Field-Programmable Gate Array (FGPA) technology, may provide a viable solution for securing critical parts of Supply Chain systems against cyber attacks.
Read more about it here.
Semantic modelling using ontologies

Are you familiar with the power of semantic modelling using ontologies?
We use Ontologies in the CYRENE project to model assets and their dependencies in the field of the supply chain. Ontology modelling is an effective way to represent data in a structured way. Thanks to semantic web technology, models developed by ontology are both human and machine-readable.
Read more about it here.
Find out more about our project here.
Follow us on Twitter @CYRENE_H2020 or
on LinkedIn @CYRENE project in order to get a more regular update of our progress!
Stay tuned!
CYRENE is an EU Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation program funded under Grant Agreement No 952690.
Project Coordinator: Sofoklis Efremidis
Institution: Maggioli SPA
Email: info{at}
Start: 1-10-2020
Duration: 36 months
Participating organisations: 14
Number of countries: 10
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation program under grant agreement No 952690. The website reflects only the view of the author(s) and the Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.