CYRENE 3rd INFO Day led by CRF

Certifying the Security and Resilience of Supply Chain Services

October 7th, 2022

Turin, Italy & Virtual

On the 7th of October 2022, CYRENE is organizing its third INFO Day, led by CRF. Wheather you are a professional or interested in the field of supply chain services cyber security, you are welcome to join us either physically in Turin or remotely.

Info Pack

Registration is free of charge but required in order to use the necessary remote facilitation tools. Please fill in the form below and we’ll forward you the invitation with all connection details.


October 7, 2022 


Turin, Italy & Virtually

During the event you will be:

  • informed about the CYRENE project, its overall objectives and approach,
  • learn about the challenges faced in the context of automotive supply chain services and how the CYRENE solution is planning to solve them (you can already get some background information reading our blog here), and
  • get updated about the latest achievements of the consortium.


CYRENE is a European project, funded under the Horizon 2020 Work Programme. It aims to enhance the security, privacy, resilience, accountability and trustworthiness of Supply Chains (SCs) through the provision of a novel and dynamic Conformity Assessment Process (CAP) that evaluates the security and resilience of supply chain services, the interconnected IT infrastructures composing these services and the individual devices that support the operations of the SCs. In particular, the proposed Conformity Assessment Process will support, at different levels, SCs security officers and operators to recognize, identify, model, and dynamically analyse cyber risks. Moreover, it will support forecasting, treatment and response to advanced persistent threats and handle daily cyber-security and privacy risks, incidents and data breaches.

Registration is free of charge but required in order to use the necessary remote facilitation tools. Please fill in the form below and we’ll forward you the invitation with all connection details.

9:00 – 9:10Welcome and openingMAG/CRF
9:10 – 09:20CYRENE Project – OverviewMAG
09:20 – 09:45CYRENE standardization and certification activities (framework) PN
Scientific & Cross Dissemination Session
09:45 – 10:00Application of a blockchain framework in the logistics domain: the CONCORDIA projectStefano Musso (Politecnico of Turin)
10:00 – 10:15EU Project FAIRWork – Overview and Pilot presentationRobert Woitsch (BOC Products & Services AG)
10:15 – 10:30Coffee Break
10:30 – 10:45Cybersecurity aspects in the CPSoSaware and EnerMan projectsApostolos P. Fournaris (Industrial Systems Institute)
10:45 – 11:00Cyber security 4.0: protecting the Industrial Internet Of ThingsAndreas Miaoudakis (Sphynx Technology Solutions AG)
11:00 – 11:30Panel Discussion
Invited Speakers Session
11:30 – 12:00ENISA’s Ransomware Threat LandscapeIfigeneia Lella, (CyberSecurity Officer, Capacity Building Unit – ENISA)
12:00 – 12:30ISO Supply Chain Security StandardsDr. Edward Humphreys, (ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 27/WG 1 Convenor)
12:30 – 14:00Lunch Break
14:00 – 14:10Welcome and openingMAG/ CRF
14:10 – 14:30CYRENE Project – OverviewMAG
14:30 – 14:50CYRENE Technical ProgressUBI
14:50 – 15:10Valencia Port PilotVPF
15.10 – 15:25Break
15:25 – 15:45Inbound Logistic PilotCRF
15:45 – 15:55Questions and Feedback
15:55 – 16:00ClosingCRF

Dr. Edward Humphreys

Dr. Edward Humphreys

ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 27/WG 1 Convenor

Edward Humphreys (Chartered Fellow of the BCS -­‐ FBCS CITP, CISM) has been an expert in the field of information security and risk management for more than 39 years. During this time he has worked for major international organizations and has been a senior advisor to the European Commission, the OECD, and other institutions in Europe.

He has been involved in security standardization activities for 33 years covering ISO, IEC, ITU-­‐T/CCITT, ETSI, CEN/CENELEC, ITTF, NIST OSI Group, BSI, and various industry groups. He is chair of the ISO/IEC working group responsible for the development and maintenance of the family of ISO/IEC 27001 ISMS standards. He is recognised for his pioneering work on the UK versions of the ISO/IEC 27001 family of standards as well as his leadership in the progression of these UK standards into the world-class best selling ISO standards they are today. He is also acknowledged for championing the development and promotion of ISO/IEC 27001 certification around the world, in regard to both developing and developed countries, and dealing with all levels of conformance assessment from policy, management, and supporting standardization through to the operational aspects. In addition, he is an authority on applied information security risk and incident management.

In 2002 he was honored with the Secure Computing Lifetime Achievement Award for his achievements on the internationalisation of the ISMS standards and the development ISMS certification, and an ISO/IEC 27001 IUG lifetime award in 2007 for his work on applied ISMS risk and incident management. He teaches as a visiting professor at various universities in Europe and Asia. He has authored many best-selling books, articles, and research reports in the field of information security management, risk and incident management, and cyber security.

Ifigeneia Lella

Ifigeneia Lella

CyberSecurity Officer, Capacity Building Unit - ENISA

Ifigeneia Lella joined ENISA in 2016 as Cybersecurity Officer. Initially, she has been in charge of EU wide cyber exercises such as Cyber Europe 2018 and is currently engaged in the preparation of the 2022 edition of the event.

She has been responsible for the Threat Landscape project since 2021. In 2009 she graduated from the University of Piraeus BSc in computer science. She continued her studies at the University of Kent at Canterbury in the United Kingdom and completed there her MSc degree in information security and biometrics she obtained in 2011.

Her career started when she became Security Engineer at the European Central Bank where she was in charge of projects in identity management. She was also a member of the SOC team of the bank. Before joining ENISA in 2016, she had been working as information security officer within the SOC team of the Hellenic Telecommunication Organisation since 2014.

Stefano Musso

Stefano Musso

Business analyst at Politecnico di Torino

Stefano Musso was born in Casale Monferrato, Italy, in 1974. He received a degree in management engineering from the Polytechnic of Turin in 2004. From 2004 to 2015, he was a partner in a private consultancy company operating in the field of strategic consulting, with specific focus on business development, market analysis, and digital transformation. Since 2015, he has been a Researcher with the Department of Control and Computer Engineering (DAUIN), Politecnico di Torino, mainly involved in national and European projects (H2020) and teaching in operations research and management courses. He has a good experience (over 10 years) in professional training courses. His research activity mainly focuses on optimization in the transport and logistics field. He currently co-authored five articles, mainly focused on the role of technology in the development of sustainable logistics solutions

Robert Woitsch

Robert Woitsch

Managing Director at BOC Group

Dr. Robert Woitsch is member of the board at BOC Products & Services AG and responsible for Research & Innovation. He is involved in innovation projects, mainly funded by the European Commission, in the area of knowledge management, information- and data management, Industry 4.0 as well as software engineering and cloud computing since 2000.

His project portfolio contains typically between 3-6 EU-Projects at a time; whereas currently he is involved in four H2020 projects in the domain of Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, Construction and Security. He coordinated the knowledge-management project plug-IT, the cloud-computing project CloudSocket and coordinates now the artificial intelligence and robotic project FAIRWork. Because of his experience in EU projects, he acted as expert for the European Commission, as well as a speaker and reviewer in scientific conferences. Dr. Robert Woitsch is also active in customer consultancy projects, in the domain of knowledge management, quality- and risk- management.

The research results are distributed in the open ADOxx development community, a world-wide acting Open Innovation Community that has about 5.000 developers from 37 Universities and research institutions that collaborate in this community in the domain of conceptual modelling. Recently he is involved in building industrial laboratories at BOC in context of the OMiLAB community.

The goal is to bridge the market-driven needs of an enterprise with the open ideas, novel solutions and innovations of the research and academic world.

Dr. Apostolos P. Fournaris

Dr. Apostolos P. Fournaris

Principal Researcher at Industrial Systems Institute

Dr. Apostolos Fournaris received his diploma and Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering department of the University of Patras, Greece, in 2001 and 2008 respectively. He has worked for the Information and Communication Technologies Lab in Sophia Antipolis Hitachi Europe SAS European R-D Centre for two years and he is currently a Principal Researcher at Industrial Systems Institute of Research Center ATHENA. He has also been working as a senior postdoctoral researcher in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, University of Patras, and as an adjunct Assistant Professor at the University of Patras and Technological Educational Institute of Western Greece for more than 10 years.

He has been involved in several EU and nationally funded research projects like CONCORDIA, SMESEC, CIPSEC, RADIO, FLEXINET, VITAL, VITAL++, SECRICOM, TAcle, TRUDEVICE, CRYPTACUS, Cryptoaction, WelCOM, VISETAK, PALM-IS. He has published more than 75 research articles in international conferences and journals, he is the author of 10 book chapters on hardware/software codesign, cryptographic engineering, or trusted systems and of several technical reports on security issues. He is a member of IEEE, IEEE Circuits and Systems Society, IEEE Computer Society, IACR, and the Technical Chamber of Greece

Dr. Andreas Miaoudakis

Dr. Andreas Miaoudakis

Chief Communications and Network Engineer at Sphynx Technology Solutions AG

Dr. Andreas Miaoudakis is the Chief Communications and Network Engineer of Sphynx Technology Solutions AG. Andreas holds a diploma in electrical and computer engineering from the University of Patras, Greece, and a Ph.D. from the same department in wireless communications. He was a research associate at the Applied Electronics Lab of the same department, a member of the non-Ionizing Radiation Laboratory of the Applied Informatics & Multimedia Department of Technical Institute in Crete, and a post-doctoral fellow of the Telecommunications and Networking Laboratory of the Foundation for Research and Technology – Hellas. Andreas has participated in several research and applied technology projects, having both technical and management roles. He has vast experience in the design and implementation of cyber-physical embedded and IoT systems (PCB, uP programming, integration, etc.), emergency communication infrastructure (power and communication systems), SCADA systems and applications, and wireless and wired networks.

CYRENE INFO Day 2022 Registration Form

Registration for CYRENE INFO Day 2022 Event is free but required. Please fill in the form below to get registered and receive the invitation with all connection details for the event on time.

I agree that my personal data be processed for the purpose of registration for the workshop as well as for other purposes I agreed upon (if any). More details are available in the privacy policy.


Project Coordinator: Sofoklis Efremidis
Institution: Maggioli SPA
Start: 1-10-2020
Duration: 36 months
Participating organisations: 14
Number of countries: 10



EU flagThis project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation program under grant agreement No 952690. The website reflects only the view of the author(s) and the Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.